Glossary : Essential Terminologies of Digital Marketing.

Here is a list of  Essential Terminologies which everyone should know.

It will give more ideas for Digital Marketing, SEO, Hosting, Servers, Search Engine etc. 

By going through this blog you will get a clear idea of technical and non technical terms.


Glossary: Related to Search Engine

1. What is Search Engine?

A search engine is a software that is designed to carry out web searches through billions of web pages or contents.

Any input provided by the user the search engine searches throughout huge Database and provide the best results to the user.

For Example: Google (92% of users use it, Bing, YouTube, DuckDuckGo, Yandex, Baidu all are the different search engines for webpages and YouTube for videos searches is most popular.

2. What is Web indexing or ranking in search engine?

Web Indexing is the process by which the search engine search the information in the websites and index or rank the websites according to different parameters.

3. What is De-Indexing from search engine?

Deindexing means that the website will be out from the search engine result pages and the website will not index.

The main reason behind it, if the websites have any technical issues or if using some black hat techniques are used to rank a website quickly in search engines.

4. What is the Crawler of Search Engine?

A search engine crawler is sometimes called a spider or spider bot and it is shortened to crawler it is an Internet bot that systematically browses the World Wide Web.

It is a computer program that automatically searches documents on the Internet.

Crawler extracts the keywords from the content or web pages and pass it to Google and then Google has an algorithm to index them in Search engine.

5. What is Google Search Engine?

Well, Everybody knows google is most popular search engine which covers around 98% of the world market. It was started back in the year 1998 by Larry page and Sergi Brin.

Google is the most trusted and well-established search engine because they search and rank the websites with more than 200 indexing parameters.

6. What is Bing Search Engine?

Bing is the second most popular search engine in the world after Google which is owned and operated by Microsoft.

It has close to 10% of overall search traffic but Microsoft has already partnered with Yahoo to power all the search results in the year 2009.

It can be said that Yahoo search engine is a rebadged version of the Bing search engine.

7. What is Yahoo Search Engine?

Yahoo was the very first and the oldest search engine started in the year 1994 but it was sort of directory and it asks website owners to submit their web pages manually and giving back the search results.

It is the first product from Yahoo which was founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo in January 1994.

It has approx 3% of market share and occupy the third spot.

8. What is Baidu Search Engine?

Baidu is a huge Chinese tech company specializing in internet services and artificial intelligence it is the second largest search engine in the world.

It held approx 76.05% market share in China’s search engine market. A google is banned in china so Chinese people use Baidu as their search engine.

9. What is Yandex Search Engine?

Yandex is the Russian most popular search engine which was founded on September 23, 1997 by Arkady Volozh.

Most of the people in uses Yandex and it mainly serves the Russian and few commonwealth independent countries search queries.

Yandex is the 5th largest search engine after Google, Bing, Baidu and Yahoo. Total worldwide market share is less than 1%.

10. What is DuckDuckGo Search Engine?

DuckDuckGo is an internet search engine that mainly focus on protecting searchers privacy and avoiding the filter bubble of personalized search results.

It was founded in the year 2008 and it focus on user privacy by not storing the IP addresses, personal information or use of cookies and it also offers the search results from the 400 different sources.

It has its own crawler bot which compiles the best results from other search engine.

Glossary: Related to Web Hosting

1. What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting means that it is the place where all the files of your website are kept and it can be available from any place in the world. So that the website is live all the time.

It store the files like HTML, CSS data, web pages and many other entities to get it live on the internet.

Every hosting account of the user is connected with a domain name because using domain name users can access all the web pages hosted on that hosting account.

2. Where can I Buy cheap Web Hosting?

Yes you can Buy cheap Web Hosting from Hostinger but make sure to Buy long term plan.

3. What is domain name?

Domain name of any website is the address of the website that people type or search in the browser URL bar to visit the website.

Domain name is actually the IP address of the website. As it was difficult to remember the IP address of the website so the domain name comes into to place as it is easy to remember the letters instead of numbers.

4. What is Website and why it is important?

Well Website is collection of webpages where all the informations are stored which represent any business or service.

The files of the website are stored in the server of hosting provider and domain name is link with the every website so that it can be searched any where.

As website represent business or services so it is very important to grow your business a website is required.

5. Is Web hosting free or paid?

There are few web hosting company offers free web hosting services for example Wix or Blogger and they will display their ads also have to use their domain. (

But while using the paid version there will be no restrictions and limitations. You can use your own domain without their domain.

So finally the paid one is always better then free.

6. How many types of web hosting are there?

There are different types of web hosting are there Shared Hosting, VPS (Virtual private server) Hosting, Dedicated Hosting and Cloud Hosting.

7. Is it possible to buy domain name without hosting?

Well the answer is certainly Yes, you can buy a domain name without buying web hosting. It is not necessary to need a hosting provider to register your domain name.

If your preferred domain name is available and no one is using it so you can buy it by paying a fee and get it register it with a domain registrar.

8. How I can get a Free Domain?

BlueHost is one of the Best hosting company where you can get a free domain when you buy Hosting plans.

9. How much a domain name cost?

Buying a domain name would cost you around 10$ to 15$ per year. The prices could be vary according to domain extension.

10. How many types of Web Hosting are there?

There are four main types of web hosting:

Shared hosting.

VPS hosting. (Virtual Private Server)

Dedicated hosting.

Cloud hosting.

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